
GK for geography- Important basics for various competitive examinations

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GK for geography- Important basic for various competitive examinations

GK for geography

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 Maximum questions come from Geography portion in different competitive exams.

Here are some important GK for geography one-liners for students competing for various exams

Watch some of the important GK for Geography Bits below.

1-A contour is a line joining places with equal heights on the map.

2-The distance between two contour lines will depend upon the landscape.

3- If the land has a steep climb then the contour lines will be near each other.

4- If the slope of the land is gentle, then the contour lines will be quite far from each other.

5-There are high tides and low tides on the level of the sea, and they never standstill. Due to this, the level of the sea keeps on either rising or falling.

6-Over a period, scientists observed the high and low levels of the sea and they have come to one calculated average level, which is known as Mean Sea Level (M.S.L.).

7-Over 71% of the earth’s surface is covered with water.

8- The water evaporates and latter it becomes condensed into water by cooling.

9-There are some water bodies on the earth’s surface. They are oceans, rivers, lakes, etc.

10-The process of evaporation speeds up with an increase in temperature.

General knowledge on geography

11-When there is a rise in temperature, water vapor rises and reaches high up in the sky, and it gets cooled.

12= The atmosphere gets cooler as we rise above the surface of the earth.

13- As the cooling in process, water vapour is transformed into tiny water droplets. These droplets come together with minute dust or smoke particles in the air and gradually increase in size. These small drops of water collect at a point to form the clouds.

14-As the clouds continue to rise upwards, it gets cooler and more droplets are formed. The droplets go around to form bigger drops. As they get heavier, the droplets gets more and more difficult for them to remain in the air and so they begin to fall
as raindrops.

15-Evaporation: Change of water into vapours is known as evaporation.

16- The process in which water vapour changes into water is called condensation.

17- Clouds are tiny droplets of water hanging in the air above.

18-Water Cycle: The process of water evaporating from the seas, forming clouds in the sky, coming down as rain, flowing down the slopes on land in the form of rivers. They finally join the sea, and is called the water cycle.

19-Precipitation: Different forms of condensation of water vapours is known as precipitation. This may take place in the form of rain, dew, fog, snow or hail.

20-Humidity: The amount of invisible water vapours present in the atmosphere is known as humidity.

General knowledge about geography

21- When temperature and humidity rise, we feel uncomfortable. We perspire and the sweat does not evaporate quickly. At this situation, people feel sticky and such weather like condition is called sultry.

22-It is on the surface of the oceans that maximum evaporation and cloud formation take place.

23-The winds come all the way from the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal and they transport the rain clouds. They are called ‘Monsoon winds’. They are also called ‘southwest monsoon winds; as they blow from that direction. These winds blow only in the summer.

24- There are two arms of the monsoon winds: one blows from the Arabian Sea and the other from the Bay of Bengal.

25-The South West Monsoons bring normal rains to Telangana. The North and Eastern parts of Telangana receive heavy rainfall.

26-Large areas in the Telangana Plateau receive low rainfall. Mahabubnagar and Jogulamba districts receive very little rainfall in Telangana State.

General knowledge in geography

27- An instrument by which the rainfall is measured is known as ‘Rain gauge’. The amount of rainfall for a unit area is measured in centimeters.

28-Smaller rivers or streams which join a large river are called ‘tributaries’.

29-As the river becomes bigger and broader, its flow gets slower. It starts depositing the silt and sand it has carried, on its bed and banks. This causes the formation of plains.

30-River Krishna and Godavari form deltas on the Eastern Coast. They have water throughout the year.

31=Rivers like Krishna and Godavari starts from the Western Ghats, which receive heavy rainfall.

32-Telangana state is at the forefront with a massive tree plantation program.

33-India has a long coastline.

General knowledge of geography

34-Floods are often caused by a sudden increase in the volume of water reaching a river.

35- Vegetation allows the water to flow slowly into the river, thus preventing sudden flooding. Vegetation helps the amount of water to increase which goes into the soil.

36- Vegetation reduces the erosion of soil by rainwater.

37-If the surface of the land is covered with vegetation, then soil erosion is greatly reduced.

Watch more Geography here

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