Biology- One-Liners- for various competitive examinations

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Biology- One-Liners- for various competitive examinations

Thank You all for landing on the page of Biology. The subject Biology plays an important role in various competitive examinations conducted by various organizations. Biology One-Liners help a lot.

The subject plays an important role in various competitive examinations conducted by various organizations. Biology bits help a lot.

Some of Biology-One Liners are as follows

1-Enzymes taking part in glycolysis are present in Cytoplasm.

2-When a pair of an electron from NADPH2 is transported through respiration ETS, it results in the formation of 3 molecules of ATP.

3- Kreb’s cycle begins with the reaction OAA + Acetyl Co-A.

4-End products of aerobic respiration are Carbon dioxide, water, and energy.

5-Removal of hydrogen and CO2 from the substrate is called Oxidative decarboxylation.

6-Mitochondria are self-replication organelles as they have DNA.

7- Inner membrane involutions of mitochondria are called Cristae mitochondrial.

8-Number of steps involved in the release of CO2 during Kreb’s cycle is 2.

9-Synthesis of ATP ultimately occurs during respiration.

10-In respiration energy not converted in ATP is converted into heat.

11- Number of carbon atoms present in citric acid, oxaloacetic acid and pyruvic acid are respectively 6, 4 and 3.

12-ETC and TCA enzyme occurs in Mitochondria.

13-Incomplete oxidation of glucose into pyruvic acid with several intermediate steps is known as Glycolysis.

14-In aerobic respiration, the first CO2 is liberated during Oxidation of pyruvic acid.

15- Incomplete breakdown of sugars in anaerobic respiration forms Alcohol and CO2.

16-Protoplasmic respiration is respiration when protein is respiration substrate.

17-The number of molecules of pyruvic acid formed from one molecule of glucose at the end of glycolysis is 2.

18-Oxysome is made up of Stalk, headpiece and base piece.

19-Acetyl Co-A is key intermediate compound linking glycolysis to Kreb’s cycle.

20- Incomplete oxidation of glucose into pyruvic acid with several intermediate steps is known as EMP pathway.

21-Terminal oxidation means the formation of water.

22-The reaction converting pyruvate to acetyl CO-A is Oxidative decarboxylation.

23- The reaction which brings about the formation of 3 PGA in the glycolysis involves Dephosphorylation.

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