Biology -Insectivorous Plants -Important Points

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Insectivorous Plants

1- These plants are specialized in trapping insects and are popularly known as insectivorous plants

2-The insectivorous plants often have several attractions such as brilliant colors, sweet secretions and other curios to lure their innocent victims.

3-Insectivorous plants can broadly be divided into active and passive types based on their method of trapping their prey.

4-These plants are usually associated with rain-washed, nutrient-poor soils, or wet and acidic areas that are ill-drained.

5-Insectivorous plants of India belong mainly to three families-

A- Droseraceae


C- Lentibulariaceae

6-Drosera and Aldrovanda belong to family Droseraceae.

7-Aldrovanda is a free-floating, rootless aquatic plant, the only species found in India, occurs in the salt marshes of Sunderbans, south of Calcutta

8-The tentacles on the leaves secrete a sticky fluid that shines in the sun like dew-drops. Therefore the Drosera are commonly known as ‘sundews’.

9- The members of the family are commonly known as ‘pitcher plants’ because their leaves bear jar-like structures.

10-Pitcher plants belong to family nepenthaceae.

11-Nepenthes conforms to the pitfall type of trap. A honey like substance is secreted from glands at the entrance of the pitcher.
Once the insect enters into the pitcher, it falls down because of the slipperiness.

12-Utricularia and Pinguicula belong to family Lentibulariaceae.

13-The Bladderworts generally inhabit freshwater wetlands and waterlogged areas.

14-Pinguicula or Butterwort grows in the alpine heights of Himalayas, from Kashmir to Sikkim, along stream-sides in cool boggy places.

15-In Pinguicula, an entire leaf works as trap. When an insect lands on the leaf surface, it gets stuck in the sticky exudate. the leaf margins roll up thus trapping the victim.

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